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- <h5>
- [ <a href="foundationgold.php#introduction">Introduction</a>
- | <a href="foundationgold.php#requirements">Requirements</a>
- | <a href="foundationgold.php#features">Features</a>
- | <a href="foundationgold.php#screenshots">Screenshots</a> ]
- </h5><p>
- <h2><b>Foundation Gold</b></h2></center>
- <p><br>
- <h4>Price - £24.95</h4>
- <p><a name=introduction></a><br>
- <h4>Introduction</h4>
- <p>
- The unofficial sequel to "Foundation" - the most popular built up strategy
- game for the Amiga, is finally here. The Gold Edition is more than just a
- compilation of the Mission CD and the Directors Cut. "Foundation Gold
- Edition" takes the original game one step further and adds many new
- features to this highly praised realtime strategy game.
- <p><a name=requirements></a><br>
- <h4>Requirements</h4>
- <ul>
- <li>AGA or Gfx Card
- <li>68030
- <li>Hard drive
- <li>8MB FastRAM
- <li>CDROM drive
- </ul>
- <p><a name=features></a><br>
- <h4>Features</h4>
- <ul>
- <li>Full graphical rework including user interface,
- buttons and gadgets
- <li>All ingame graphics have been improved including
- character animation, buildings, trees and other game
- objects
- <li>New "Hard Mode" with improved computer
- intelligence for a new challenge
- <li>Visual energy display for selected people, quickly
- showing the health of multiple people
- <li>Visual energy display for buildings
- <li>More warnings with visual display on the mini
- map to show the location and type of warning
- <li>Optimised gameplay speed for smoother action. Game
- loading times are much shorter
- <li>More keyboard shortcuts added, including buttons
- for most buildings and locating unused people. Extra
- buttons for new bonus features :)
- <li>The vegetable resource has been removed to cut
- down on the number of resources you need to gather.
- This reduces the amount of transportation and makes
- food supply less complicated. This is just one small
- example of many changes to improve gameplay
- <li>All 80 missions; the 40 from the original game
- with slight improvements and the 40 from "The
- Undiscovered Land"
- <li>New Foundation 1.5, which will NOT be available
- for free
- <li>The most complete Foundation package ever
- </ul>
- <p><a name=screenshots></a><br>
- <h4>Screenshots</h4>
- <p>
- <center>
- <img src="platinum/foundationgold/foundationgold_01.jpg">
- <img src="platinum/foundationgold/foundationgold_02.jpg">
- <br>
- <img src="platinum/foundationgold/foundationgold_03.jpg">
- <img src="platinum/foundationgold/foundationgold_04.jpg">
- <br>
- <img src="platinum/foundationgold/foundationgold_05.jpg">
- <img src="platinum/foundationgold/foundationgold_06.jpg">
- <br>
- <img src="platinum/foundationgold/foundationgold_07.jpg">
- <img src="platinum/foundationgold/foundationgold_08.jpg">
- <br>
- <img src="platinum/foundationgold/foundationgold_09.jpg">
- <img src="platinum/foundationgold/foundationgold_10.jpg">
- <br>
- <img src="platinum/foundationgold/foundationgold_11.jpg">
- <img src="platinum/foundationgold/foundationgold_12.jpg">
- </center>
- <p>
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